Is your conference shrinking or does it experience high turnover? If this is the case, chances are your attendees have not received the kind of treatment they should have; either when registering for the event or at the conference itself. They have the budget approved and they want to be there – but something went awry in the process.
Here are the top three things that drive customers always as identified by Bill Murphy, Jr., an author specializing In leadership and entrepreneurship. He recently shared his thoughts with Inc. Magazine. I have tailored his findings to the meetings industry.
Driver #1: Being secretive
In the industry, there seems to be a progression to a conference that follows this order:
Sponsors, Exhibitors, Attendees, Speakers, Content
It is almost as if the event organizers are keeping the sponsors, exhibitors and attendees in suspense as to who the speakers will be and what content they will deliver. But the truth of the matter is, if you reversed the order to be…
Content, Speakers, Attendees, Exhibitors, Sponsors
…think how much easier your sell cycle will be! Content drives everything and if you start with that, you will be amazed how much more open you can be with everyone and how the rest of the revenue puzzle will easily come together.
Driver #2: Being hard to contact
When you and your staff don’t return phone calls, emails or respond on social in a timely fashion, it sets up a barrier with meeting participants. What is timely? One study I recently read said 42% of Social Media users expect a response within an hour.
Here’s what I know – when you ignore potential attendees you are sending a signal that your time is more valuable than theirs.
Make it very, very easy for attendees to connect with you at your conference. Rent iPads at your meeting so attendees can connect with you on social with any questions, comments or concerns they might have.
Marriott knows how to do this best – here is a question that appeared on Twitter:
@Marriott why, on you iOS device app, do you not allow me to paste either my rewards number or my rewards password into said app?
— Darren Duke (@darrenduke) February 20, 2014
Within 2 hours Marriott replied, but often times their response is within minutes.
Driver #3: Selling constantly
I love this quote by Mike Myatt, CEO of N2Growth:
“Clients are people; not fish. Don’t “lure” or “hook” them – engage them, listen to them and serve them.”
In fact, according to a Consumer Reports survey, 64% of people admitted to walking out of a store when someone is too pushy. Are you too pushy with your meeting and conference? Are all your social posts about registration and logistics? If so, you might want to try the 70/30 rule where 70% of your posts are about things relative to your meeting (such as the destination, venue, attractions and speakers) and 30% is about the conference itself.
I love this quote from Jay Baer, Author of Youtility:
“Making a difference and creating a customer for life, is all about HELPING, not SELLING.”
SmartSource Rentals is a national AV, computer and IT rental company with 20 locations to serve you! They are easy to contact either by telephone 800.888.8686, by live chat or by filling out their quick quote form. They are in the business of helping you with interactive technology tool rentals for your next event!