In the age of business objectives and meeting metrics, is anyone really taking a hard look at what attendees' need and want from your conference? After all, without them would you even have a meeting?
As an event organizer myself, I know I have been prone to get caught up in the logistics and flow of the meeting; only attending to the participant's needs when they ask for help. But there has to be a better way! And low and behold, there is.
Here is a hierarchical way to maximize attendee satisfaction with your event.
First, examine what your attendees' NEED.
Perhaps they are human resource managers that must know the ins and outs of new procedures and policies, or physicians that are looking for education to keep their credentials current. Maybe it is a sales force preparing for a product launching event. Whatever the reason, the participant is there because they need something from your event.
How can you determine if they got out of the session what they needed? Have them complete a pre- and post-test via Audience Response rentals. Rent iPads and ask them to send feedback to you via social media or email. Ask them at the end of the training seminar or session if their needs were met.
Bottom Line: If you do not give attendees what they need, you can't move onto the next level. Spend some time here.
Second, make them WANT to come to your seminar.
Let's say a potential attendee needs certification credit in their field of study. They found your meeting and an online version that they can take via a webinar on demand. The price point is about the same. How can you entice them to come to your face-to-face meeting?
Your content and speakers need to be more compelling than the online offering. The ability to meet peer professional attendees and great presenters is a great draw. You can engage the attendees before, during and after the conference by constantly asking them what they want and then delivering on those desires. An online webinar can't and will not do this.
Bottom Line: Giving attendees what they need and want, are the first two steps to keeping them coming back to your meeting.
Third, increase the attendee's DESIRE to be part of the meeting.
This is probably that hardest pinnacle to reach AND the hardest to sustain. This happens when the attendee is really looking foreword to and excited about your meeting. They wouldn't miss it!
This is where your goals are completely aligned with the attendee's goals. Your vision and theirs are one and the same. In essence it is no longer your meeting, it is THEIRS.
Bottom Line: If and only if, you meet the attendee's needs and wants can you work on their desires.
Are you event planning in California? AV Event Solutions has a wide range of interactive technology tool rentals that can help you in all three arenas: needs, wants and desires! Give them a call today at 888.249.4903 to get started!