When it came to showcasing its innovative, award-winning ctrlX AUTOMATION in a hybrid press conference, Bosch Rexroth turned to an industry leader known for its technical expertise and extensive inventory of leading-edge technologies, SmartSource®, an ABCOM Technology Group company.
SmartSource was called upon to implement a hybrid press conference which included multiple presenters, a production staff and all attendees – 63 participants in total — teaming up remotely from their homes for a virtual event including a live video stream. For Bosch Rexroth, whose ctrlX AUTOMATION is the epitome of innovative software architecture which is “breaking down the classic boundaries between machine control systems, IT and the Internet of Things,” a reliable state-of-the-art presentation was imperative. SmartSource was just the company for the task. The experienced team included a project manager, solutions architects, onsite staff handling setup and rehearsals, as well as an audio engineer, video engineer, and a lighting director/camera operator for the event day.
Being able to produce a multi-stage presentation remotely was, of course, Bosch Rexroth’s main goal, and SmartSource delivered on that objective. The company also provided other key benefits to Bosch Rexroth due to a proven track record and experience in producing hybrid events. For one thing, Bosch Rexroth was able to hold the event in a timely manner knowing SmartSource had the critical resources to accomplish the task. In addition to the cost-savings derived from a virtual event over an in-person program, Bosch Rexroth benefitted from SmartSource’s ability to leverage its vast inventory and the economies of scale it generates for its clients. Ultimately, the most important benefit gained was in the high quality of the event, which went off seamlessly with none of the glitches that too often accompany virtual events. This enabled the focus to remain squarely on the ctrlX AUTOMATION solution and the presenters explaining how, for the first time, machine manufacturers can integrate, combine and update functions “as easily, openly and surely as they would with a smartphone.”
Among the technology SmartSource used for the Bosch Rexroth hybrid event was a network-controlled pan/tilt/zoom (PZT) camera and live streaming software to set specific locations for a camera to zoom in on, where the lower thirds of the screen indicated different components of the ctrlX AUTOMATION product. The different positions could be recalled by the software in real time with the camera moving to precise locations based on a video cue without any operator’s touch.
Given current COVID-19 imposed restrictions, hybrid events like this one produced by SmartSource are certain to continue for the foreseeable future. And, while in-person events will return, virtual and hybrid events are here to stay. With the right partner, they are a very effective, low-cost and convenient way to reach an audience, make a major announcement, market new products/services and conduct educational programs in a timely, efficient manner.