
Event AV Glossary

Navigating the audio visual (AV) technology world can be daunting for even the most seasoned event planners and corporate event...
Laptop Rentals Guide Part 2

Laptop Rentals for Staffing Agencies (Part Two)

Part Two: Benefits of Renting Laptops from SmartSource At SmartSource, our tailored laptop rental solutions for Staffing agencies provide the...


Safely Step Into Face-to-Face Events Again 

Attendees are excited to get back to in-person events. However, many attendees still wonder, “how does the event organizer plan to keep me safe?”  …

How To Configure Your In-Person Event For Hybrid Success

Producing a hybrid event is not as difficult as you might think. With the right equipment, people, and processes in place, event organizers can make their in-person events hybrid able.

What To Consider When Planning Your Transition To A Hybrid Event 

Like many event planners, you still may be recovering from the quick transition from in-person to virtual events. The move…

Best Practices for Virtual Presenters

Tips and Tricks for Presenting Virtually Let’s face it, a lot has changed within the past year, and knowing how…

Help Sponsors and Exhibitors Maximize Their Investment

Providing ROI for exhibitors and sponsors is hard; many feel they are not getting the same value in the virtual…

Planning for Successful Attendee Engagement

For many, the best part of being at an in-person function is catching up with industry colleagues, sharing ideas in…

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With more than 35 years of experience delivering innovative technology solutions for event and IT professionals, we are eager to put our expertise to work for you.