PowerPoint presentations are evolving just as technology is. Due to increased bandwidth and the availability of more powerful presentation services audio visual equipment, PowerPoint presentations no longer need to be dull and boring. Below are some emerging trends in the presentation arena.

Light Backgrounds Are Back In

When PowerPoint software first became available 20 years ago, everyone had white backgrounds with black text. Somewhere along the way, we felt the need to make our backgrounds dark with white or light text. Now, we are back where we started. Sort of. Light backgrounds, not neccessarily white, with dark text represent a fresher, more relaxed design.

No More Bullets

Small headlines and good graphics can tell the story. Less is more. After all, the slide is only supposed to aid the presenter in their talk, not tell the whole story. Here’s a good example of slides highlighting that the obesity epidemic is a recent phenomenon.


PowerPoint Presentation Slide

Photos are In, Clip Art is Out

Clip Art was the way to go for many years, but now it is dead with the ability to access millions of quality photos through an asundry of sites. Some of the more common quality photo sites are  iStockphoto and Photoshop. Professional photos create a look and feel that audience members can connect with because it shows people just like them.

Video Clips are Expected

It used to be that video clips within a PowerPoint presentation was not possible because of the limited bandwidth of the venue which in turn created huge buffering problems and made for many awkward silences. With the ability to rent Wi-Fi network arrays which give the network a tremendous boost, this is no longer an issue. Presenters can easily move from PowerPoint to video and to the Internet with ease and speed.

Rent iPads as personalized presentation product

The iPad can integrate text, graphics, video, audio, and interactivity — all on one little thin tablet. Through the use of the product SlideShark, Powerpoint presentations can be viewed on the iPad, while preserving the color and automation of the slides. Keynote, presentation software for the iPad, allows for the creation of Powerpoint-like presentations that can be saved on the iCloud and viewed on mulitple iPads.

Cloudware is where it is at

All PowerPoint presentations at your conference should be uploaded to Slideshare or Google Docs so attendees can view the presentation at a later date. In addition, many presentations can be recorded and uploaded to YouTube.

Plasma Display rentals replace screen rentals

HD Plasma TVs make Powerpoint presentations pop versus standard tripod screens. The wider screen allows for better viewing by participants, including videos and photographs.

AV Event Solutions is a California meeting equipment supplier can provide you with state-of-the-art LCD projectors, Plasma TVs, iPads, and Wi-Fi network arrays. Give them a call today!