Training Seminars are often viewed as energy and time vacuums. Most people don’t want to sit through the latest HR policy changes, software updates, or necessary prep for a product launching event. Employees would rather be doing their work at their desk or out of the office networking and prospecting. Anything but training.
Of course, training is necessary in order for employees to learn and make certain they know what they are talking about, especially when speaking with prospects and customers.
Here are 5 simple ways you make your next training session exciting and interesting:
Training Tip #1: Put Value on the Meeting
Let the attendees know, right from the start, that their time is very valuable and they need to view this time together as an investment in their productivity. Tailor the meeting objectives to their needs, not yours.
Training Tip #2: State a Desired Outcome
Let employees know what you are training them on and why it is important they learn this information. It can simply be stated — We expect you, by the end of this meeting to…
…Know how to hire or fire employees
…Choose a supplier
…Fund a project or
…Conduct a product launching event
When you bring employees together it should be because products, services, or policies change and they need to know how these changes impact them. Measure the attendees knowledge by asking questions and giving them wireless audience response systems to instantly assess if the training is successful or elements of it need to be repeated.
Training Tip #3: Limit Topics and Slides
Most employees don’t want to sit in a conference room for a whole day and most employers cannot afford this type of opportunity cost. So it is best if topics and PowerPoint slides are limited to the "old" way vs. the "new" way of doing business. Employees don’t need to know the entire history of a HR policy on hiring and firing, just the changes from the current policy. Powerpoint presentation equipment should be set up well in advance of the training and tested by the trainer at least an hour before the attendees arrive in the room.
Training Tip #4: Start and End On Time
If you say the training starts at 8 am and ends at noon, respect both ends of that schedule. This says two things about your organization; 1) You respect your employee’s time and 2) You value your trainer. If you see the meeting veering way off topic, bring it to back on topic quickly and succinctly.
Training Tip #5: Remember the Wrap-Up Summary
Use the old adage: "Tell them what you are going to tell them, tell them, and then tell them what you told them." Make certain every employee understands the process or program. Review what the next step is for the attendee. If time allots, answer any questions that remain.
AV Event Solutions, a California meeting equipment supplier, can provide your next training seminar with LCD projector and screen rentals, laptops, iPads, and ARS units. Give them a call today or request an Express Quote!