Smartphone charging stations are one of the most in-demand amenities for trade shows and conferences. After all, there are only so many wall outlets to go around, and not every attendee brings a charging cable with them to the event. But, charging stations do much more than charge electronic devices. They add value in lots of settings.

Charging kiosks come in a variety of sizes and shapes (including secure lockers). They are equipped with all of the connectors needed to accommodate popular phone models and tablets. Many units can be wrapped with sponsor logos and messaging, and some come with embedded video screens that can be Internet-enabled.

Attendees always respond favorably to the availability of charging stations on the show floor – it saves them from having to schlep back to the hotel for a charge. But the advantage can play both ways. Here are four creative ways charging stations can be used to improve the show experience for the organizer as well as the attendee:

  1. Revenue Source

Charging kiosks are moneymakers. In exchange for a sponsorship fee, event organizers can provide sponsors with visibility through full-unit vinyl wraps and promotional decals or a video screen that plays product demos, delivers news, or polls attendees while they wait for their phones to charge.

  1. Content Streaming

The interactive capabilities of some charging stations go beyond polling or touch-screen surveys. Some models have a display that can also stream a live feed. Attendees could watch a keynote address happening in another part of the building or a soccer championship in another part of the world.

For exhibitors, charging stations are attendee magnets. What salesperson wouldn’t want to have a good ten minutes to talk about products, give a demo, or qualify a prospect? Throw in a comfortable sofa, and visitors may not want to leave the booth.

Certain models of charging kiosks are sleek enough to be mistaken for a piece of décor, hence they can actually add to the aesthetics of a VIP lounge. Think of using the video screen to play music videos or other ambient content.

  1. Traffic Distribution

Charging kiosks can also help event organizers distribute visitor traffic. While food and beverage is a time-tested way to draw attendees to a poorly trafficked area of a trade show, charging kiosks may be even more effective. Rather than eat or drink, a person charging his smartphone has little else to do besides walk around the “dead zone” and visit booths.

  1. Gaming

A charging station could even play a role in an in-event game. With the digital display as a leaderboard, players will naturally gather round, wanting to see where they fall in the rankings—a real perk for whichever company sponsors the charging station and wraps its logo around it.

The hallmark of great technology isn’t complexity. Great technologies are those that deliver the greatest value to the most people. Charging kiosks fall easily into that category, and their chameleon-like features deliver benefits that are hard for planners to ignore. SmartSource Rentals has a full complement of charging kiosks for trade shows, conferences, and meetings.