
There is a new social channel on the block and it is called Vine. Accessed through an iPhone or iTouch, users create short looping videos that are very easy to make. Videos you post to Vine will appear on your Vine profile and the timelines of your followers. You can also share your video posts to Twitter and/or Facebook.

Vine is all of one-month old but because of its simplicity and shortness, it is considered the hot new backchannel to promote your meeting or event. You can quickly find people you know on Vine through your device’s address book and people you follow on Twitter. You can also search for people or invite them via a text message or email

How might planners use this tool for meetings and events? Here are seven possible uses, but more will probably surface as the product matures.


  • Event organizers can give attendees a chance to see the conference center, hotel, city and attractions in short, fun snippets. They can then post those videos under the event’s hashtag and Facebook Fan Page.
  • Promote your agenda and speakers in short, creative ways that will not be tiring to the attendees.
  • Create videos about your organization, event and sponsors that include logos to build brand awareness about each entity.


  • By encouraging attendees to download Vine on their iPhones or bring their iTouchs to the meeting, these vids can be viewed on a video wall rental unit where participants can gather to see the clips throughout the day.
  • Ask attendees to post their videos on Twitter and include the hashtag for the conference.
  • Create a contest for the best video clip. Let attendees vote at the end of each conference day via Audience Response rentals and post the results on a video wall or digital signage.
  • Ask attendees and partners to create videos from different points of views. For example, speakers can video from the stage, hoteliers from the front desk and AV technicians from the sound room.

Are you event planning in California? AV Event Solutions, now part of the SmartSource Rentals family, can provide you with video wall, digital signage and Wi-Fi network array rentals to make certain your conference experiences no video buffering because it will be fast, secure and robust!  Give them a call today at 888.249.4903 to get started with the process!