Have you ever considered what you might learn from a Thanksgiving gathering when planning your next meeting or conference? Here are 5 simple things we can all garner from this day of food, rest and relaxation!
#1: You always know the day.
Thanksgiving falls on the 4th Thursday of November. Always. No exceptions.
How about your meetings or events? Do they always fall on the the same date, month, or time of year? Have you conveyed that information to your attendees or employees well in advance?
#2: Only A-listers are invited.
At Thanksgiving, we usually have only have family or perhaps a few very close friends. There is limited space in your home or at the table and only a certain number of people will be able to fit comfortably there.
Are you focused on your A-listers for your meetings? Having 25 highly qualified clients or prospects is better than having 100 lukewarm prospects at your next gathering. Focus on the attendees that are the most important to your organization and get them to the table.
#3: Everyone brings something to the gathering.
Usually, the host prepares the turkey and stuffing while invited guests bring something to complement the meal.
Every meeting needs 4 entities to be successful: attendees, event meeting services organization, speakers and suppliers. Is everyone contributing to the event's success and are they complementing each other by working as a team?
#4: You bring an "Attitude of Gratitude" to the day.
This is usually a time when individuals stop and reflect about the things they are grateful for and to let others know why they are thankful to have them in their lives.
How many times have you thanked your attendees, speakers, sponsors and partners for a great event? When renting audio visual equipment do you go to the AV technician and thank him/her for a job well done? Don't take anyone or anything for granted. Thank everyone — all year long.
#5: During the day, there is usually something for everyone.
In my home, the men gather downstairs to watch the constant stream of football games. Women gather to play board games and the children usually play video games or watch movies. Some people opt to go for a walk. And some just go home after the meal.
Does your meeting have something for everyone? Are you catering to the different generational and gender needs? Find out what your attendees need and plan accordingly.
AV Event Solutions is very thankful for your business! Everyone in the company wishes you and yours a happy, safe and festive Thanksgiving!