Here are some well thought out ideas to get you pointed in the right direction:
- How many mobile devices does the attendee currently use? (Remember, smartphones will also take a toll on your Wi-Fi access)
- How much time per day and what apps do they use on the Internet?
- Will the attendees be accessing the mobile technology from the meeting room, hotel room, exhibit hall — or all three?
- Given your selection of meeting applications, how much bandwidth will your group need and how much will the venue provide?
- If your meeting was technology based before, look at the history. However, history is not always a deciding factor because mobile technology is growing by leaps and bounds. A meeting a year ago might not have the same requirements as one today.
- Ask for a flat rate. Most venues will want to charge you a certain rate for the meeting space, exhibit hall, and guest rooms. Try and negotiate one flat rate to be attached to the master bill at the end of the conference. This will keep your costs in check. Ask for that rate to include your IT and AV onsite support.
- Request for guest room Internet fees be waived. Attendee Internet fees can run between $10 to $15 per day! If the event is very large and held at a convention center, ask the hotels to work with the conference services manager to receive a percentage of the convention’s flat fee.
- Rent Wi-Fi Network Arrays. Since the bandwidth and technical support at most venues is limited, hiring an event rental services to provide you with Wi-Fi network arrays can make the network very robust. A California meeting equipment organization, such as AV Event Solutions, can set up, monitor, test, manage, and provide technical support for a network array.
Association management can seek a sponsor or multiple sponsors to cover the Internet costs and Wi-Fi Network arrays, in order to defray the costs.
AV Event Solutions, an key supplier of Wi-Fi Network Arrays and other AV equipment, is ready to help you and your association in sorting out all your Internet options. Give AV Event Solutions a call today to learn how they can help you keep your Internet costs in check.