First, the environment. Here is a checklist of things you need to consider:
- Who is going to be invited? Is it employees only or sales team or even prospects? This is the first thing to be determined because based on the invitation list, that will determine whether it makes sense to hold the event at the home office or off site.
- Look at a variety of meeting venues. Depending on the size of the event, you could mix fun with facts. What about a historic venue? Ball park? Basketball game? These venues don’t necessarily cost more money, but they can create buzz about the event.
- What sort of room size and AV equipment do you need for the product launch? Do you need Powerpoint presentation equipment? Podium? Microphones? Make certain you have the right room size, not too large and not too small. And the right projector and screen rentals.
- Food and beverage are very important. This is only second to the product launch itself. Look closely at your budget, because it can also be your costliest and most wasteful part of the event. Are you having a sit down dinner? Buffet? Cocktails? Figure this out way in advance.
- Parking is key. Make certain there is enough close parking for attendees. If you are concerned about inclement weather, hire a valet service just for your event. It will be well worth the expense and your attendees will thank you. Also, make certain you feel safe in the parking lot or structure.
Now, the content. Most people come to launching events for a multiple of reasons, but they all relate to one or more of the following components: education, networking, and/or team building. Again, a checklist to make certain these goals are met:
- How are you going to make sure the educational material is understood? One easy way is to “test” your attendees on the material after the presentation is complete. If it is an all employee meeting, you can use audience response rental keypads to test their knowledge after the announcement. With customers, you could have a quiz and give a prize for the person with most correct answers.
- What about networking? Having fun things to do before or after the event is key. Icebreakers, scavenger hunts, going to a ball game, having a celebrity at the event, having the CEO there — these are all great ideas to allow the crowd to network and buzz about the meeting.
- Team building through interactivity. Having small teams talk about what was just announced and brainstorm on its use, marketing techniques, and ways to spread the word are all valuable.
Product launching events set the tone about the company and its employees. AV Event Solutions can help make your next event very successful by offering state-of-the-art LCD projectors, screens, audience response systems and much, much more. Give them a call today!