Hybrid Press Conference for Bosch Rexroth

When it came to showcasing its innovative, award-winning ctrlX AUTOMATION in a hybrid press conference, Bosch Rexroth turned to an...

10 High-Tech Ways to Make your Holiday Party Shine

If your employees didn’t share photos from last year’s company holiday party on social media, did it even happen? Don’t...


Ask the Experts: Why Do You Need Custom Programmed Kiosks?

Kiosks are revolutionizing business. As the self-service movement sweeps across all industries and into every consumer demographic, businesses have only…

The Eyes Have It: Ideal Screens for Event Production

Nothing beats visual input. “Seeing is believing,” as they say. For business events, there is no substitute for the images…

Making those Event Connections App-en

Connecting with others is one of the primary reasons most of us attend events. We use events to meet like-minded…

What You Need to Know about Twitter Walls

Chances are good you’ve heard about Twitter and Facebook and other social media channels. You probably even use one or…

Increase Sponsorships with Modern Day Cyber Cafés

Remember cyber cafés? Cyber cafés were traditionally set up as a place for people to access the Internet. For trade…

Get Your Show on the Road – Technology Tips for Mobile Tours

Many businesses have events that hit the road, crossing the country with multiple stops in dozens of cities. For business…

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